
Saturday, January 21, 2012

more photos

Taking pictures is about all I'm getting done these days.  And, more often than not, my photos are for my work.  I did get to do two awesome family things last weekend.  First, Andy got our family tickets to the WVU v. Rutgers mens' basketball game.  It was awesome!!  The kids loved it.
Love my sweet boy
 she can be sweet when she wants to be ;)

 proof I was there

Also, I got to sneak away last weekend on a family girls' trip.  It was wonderful.  I don't get to see these amazing women nearly enough.  The trip was in honor of my grandma's 87th birthday.  We are so blessed to have her in our lives.  

My mom, her mom, and my mom's two sisters.  I am blessed.

Tea time down South

It's a joke in our family, but it's so true-when I'm her age, I hope that I laugh 'til I pee my pants all.the.time.  She really didn't pee her pants, by the way, I just love the expression.
On our last day, we had a lovely lunch at Stardust Cafe.  If' you've ever in Lewisburg, WV - check it out.

I'm doing a giveaway over on my business blog.  Check it out if you haven't already, and definitely enter to win!

Friday, January 13, 2012


So, I don't have any craftiness to share, but I have been keeping up with my Photo-a-Day project (shhh...don't tell, but I didn't take a photo yesterday, and it's after 8pm and I haven't taken one today either).  Here's what our week (or more) has looked like...

I love my vitamins & supplements.

They love their Nintendos.  Jonah even played all of Norah's games with her.

My happy place.

Jonah + Slate at karate.

What a moon.

Errands to Bridgeport.

Joe made me lots of meals this week.  Thanks, Joe!

Candles at my shop, from Root's Seeking Balance line.  How cool that one of my Picture Winter prompts at Big Picture was, "Seeking Balance."

Awesome dinner with friends.  Mmmm.

Jonah is obsessed with chocolate.  I always follow the recipe on the hot cocoa box, but turns out he's just as happy with microwaved chocolate milk.  Go figure.

Just playing around with manual settings and light coming through the window in the dining room.

New arrangements at my shop.

I've been having the best time photographing new things at my shop, and delving into social media networking.  I think my blog feature Makeover Mondays is going to be a hit.

Love this magazine.  Just put my contact info in the Resource Guide of the Weddings issue.  Hoping to get some the staff in to feature on my Makeover Mondays.

The Clems & Too Much DSi...

Friday, January 6, 2012

some camera talk & layouts

So, Andy "agreed" to let me get a Canon 7D for Christmas.  I think it had something to do with the fact that I got him a new GoogleTV.  The thing is, I haven't even taken my first picture with it yet.  I'm too intimidated.  I am already learning new stuff from all of these photography books and classes I'm taking, and I'm practicing it on my old camera.  I am hoping that any day now that will change.  In fact, I'm also working on a blog for my business, and I'm hoping to do a Makeover Mondays feature, and I need to photograph a client this evening after I do a little makeover :)

I got some papercrafting time in last week, and I really loved working with Studio Calico's Brooklyn Flea.  I used some sketches from Kelly Purkey's last Sketchpad class, and I am liking how these came together.  I think one of my most motivating factors is having photos I love to work with.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

I love new beginnings

I will admit to being a bit of a nerd.  The older I get, the more I relish the new year.  I was trying to talk to some 3rd graders about how lucky we are to get fresh starts, and they about laughed me out of the room.  It kind of hurt my feelings.  

Anyway, I have been thinking about blogging forever.  I attempted blogging once in 2007, but it didn't take.  However, I think I'm in a much better place now to do it regularly.  Plus, I have some serious photography going on, so I will have lots of pics to post.  Currently, I've signed up for the Photo-A-Day class at Studio Calico, Picture Winter at Big Picture Class, and I am so excited because I just signed up for Karen Russell's photography class, which starts January 9.  Yay!

Here are some highlights since the start of the new year.

Norah inherited Jonah's old DSi.  She's 4 going on 14!

 Andy, er, I mean, Jonah got Mario Sports for Christmas, and Andy got a new tv, and the two of them have been thick as thieves ever since.

 I have been on an Asian flavors kick all year.  I am sort of obsessed with brown rice, stir-fry vegetables, and glazed salmon. Yum.  Not to mention, I can make a mean fried rice with the leftovers (healthy, of course).
Norah is a fan of the Asian flavors too.