
Friday, January 13, 2012


So, I don't have any craftiness to share, but I have been keeping up with my Photo-a-Day project (shhh...don't tell, but I didn't take a photo yesterday, and it's after 8pm and I haven't taken one today either).  Here's what our week (or more) has looked like...

I love my vitamins & supplements.

They love their Nintendos.  Jonah even played all of Norah's games with her.

My happy place.

Jonah + Slate at karate.

What a moon.

Errands to Bridgeport.

Joe made me lots of meals this week.  Thanks, Joe!

Candles at my shop, from Root's Seeking Balance line.  How cool that one of my Picture Winter prompts at Big Picture was, "Seeking Balance."

Awesome dinner with friends.  Mmmm.

Jonah is obsessed with chocolate.  I always follow the recipe on the hot cocoa box, but turns out he's just as happy with microwaved chocolate milk.  Go figure.

Just playing around with manual settings and light coming through the window in the dining room.

New arrangements at my shop.

I've been having the best time photographing new things at my shop, and delving into social media networking.  I think my blog feature Makeover Mondays is going to be a hit.

Love this magazine.  Just put my contact info in the Resource Guide of the Weddings issue.  Hoping to get some the staff in to feature on my Makeover Mondays.

The Clems & Too Much DSi...

1 comment:

  1. Lots of great photos!
    For me photo a day would only work if I gave myself permission to skip a day or two :)
